Sidewalk to Wal-Mart

The City of Anna is applying to the ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program) in the Fall of 2024 for a project that includes a multi-use (walk/bike) path from DG to Wal-Mart.

The project is designed to improve the walkability and bikeability of the City along the main corridor. The proposed sidewalk will begin at the intersection of Springfield Avenue & E. Vienna Street (State Rt. 146) and continue down Leigh Avenue and end at Wal-Mart.

How committed are we to this project? EXTREMELY! We have spent $50,000 to complete the Phase I engineering to show ITEP that we are fully committed to this project and to earn more points on the grant application. This is SO important for our community and we look forward to working on this project over the next 12-24 months.

The following images are the preliminary drawings of the proposed path. It will include some green space & lighting.